PitchHub Teleprompter
for Webex Meetings

Introducing PitchHub Teleprompter for Webex Meetings: Elevate Your Presentations!

Enhance your sales pitches, educational sessions, and presentations with PitchHub's Teleprompter for Webex Meetings. Whether you're hosting a live webinar, conducting a Webex Meeting, or crafting a message for a prospect, customer, or company update, our teleprompter empowers you to deliver your content flawlessly.

With PitchHub Teleprompter seamlessly integrated into the Webex experience, you maintain complete control. Your audience and recordings won't see the teleprompter when you record or share your screen, ensuring a polished and professional delivery.

Try it yourself today!

Click here for more information on getting started with the Webex app


Adjust text and speed and more, to match your preferences


Bookmark to save & restore your position in the text


The teleprompter is hidden during screen share


Record yourself using Webex recording feature

Ready to get started?